Fellowship Groups

Christian Fellowship is more than just a gathering of individuals who share a common faith. It’s a profound connection among believers who come together to nurture their spiritual lives. It’s about experiencing the love of Christ through shared experiences, prayers, and support. In essence, it’s a community of faith.

bold Men's Ministry

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a great time of fellowship, worship, encouragement, and a hardy, free breakfast.

Meeting: Last Saturday of the month at 8:00 am

Contact: Bold@calvaryot.com

Check out their page for more information:  bold men's ministry

"Conestoga" Empty Nesters ministry

Conestoga is a fellowship group of Empty Nesters, (individuals and couples), which meets every 3rd Saturday of the month with a themed dinner in the Fellowship Hall. 

Meeting: The third Saturday of the month at 6:00 pm

Contact: Sue Rainey  714-398-7656

Couple's Ministry

The Couple's Ministry meets for special events with the goal of strengthening the bond a couple has with each other and with God, creating a three cord strand that can not be broken.  

Meeting: Every other month for special events

Contact: Couples@calvaryot.com

Heart to Heart Women's Ministry

Heart to Heart meets every month for a wonderful breakfast, worship, and Bible study.  This year we will be exploring Matthew 5:1-10, known as the Beatitudes.  It is our mission to dive into God's Word and add both insight and personal testimony.  

Meeting: Second Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall

Contact: Tracy Stice 714-227-2338