Welcome to Calvary Chapel

Old Towne

Sunday Service Times

8:45 aM  |  10:30 aM  |  5:00 PM

Each Sunday we offer 3 great services.

For more information about an event or Sunday service, please call the

church office at 714-997-2811

Watch our Live services here!

Sign Up to Volunteer

For the Police Appreciation BBQ

We have an exciting opportunity to show the love of Christ to our local police department. CCOT is planning a barbecue to reach out with thanksgiving and prayer for our local police officers. The barbecue will be on Wednesday, August 14 from 12 pm-6 pm. We will be setting up so that the officers can stop by for a quick bite of various meats, coleslaw, and potato salad. There are many half hour slots available, if you would like to be part of this amazing outreach please fill out the form (link below) and select the time(s) you would like to serve.

Sign up here

Check out what is happening this month

Click on the image below to find out more information on each event

More Events!

Check it out!

Want to know what else is going on at CCOT?  We are an active church with something for everyone!  Check out the Calendar for more exciting God-centered events and weekly Bible studies. 

Check out the calendar


Wednesday Meal & Fight Night

Join Us for our Mid-Week Prayer Meeting & Family Dinner

Join us for our Mid-Week Prayer ("Fight Night") meeting and Family style dinner. Let us "Fight the good fight of your faith”—Let us battle in the strength of the Lord to build a church family that acknowledges God and declares His greatness. We invite you to our Mid-Week prayer on Wednesday Nights at 7:00 pm with a homemade dinner before hand at 6:00 pm.

Check here for more info and to sign up

ECHO prayer App

Join our Online Prayer community

"The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." James 5:16b

Prayer warriors, would you like to receive instant notifications of the congregation’s prayer needs so you can pray for them? If so, we recommend downloading the Echo Prayer App from your App store and adding our Calvary Chapel Old Towne as your “Feed.” Those who send their urgent prayer needs to our prayer lineprayer@calvaryot.com, will have their request put on Echo for all of our prayer warriors to pray over; you will also have the ability to comment with words of encouragement for those in need and be updated instantly on their condition.

Download the app from Google Play, if you have an android, or from the App store, if you have an iPhone.

Google play store     Apple App Store

If you need help getting set up in the app, please check out these step-by-step instructions:

Echo Prayer App Instructions